1/1 Art
Last updated
Last updated
MBB boasts a comprehensive '1/1 Art Center' in the MBB discord to celebrate 1/1 art and its powerful positive effect on our community. We aim to use it to empower artists, advance patronage, and welcome new collectors.
We have multiple channels where members discuss, display and trade 1/1 Art across various categories.
Additionally, MBB is very proud to have its own member curated 1/1 Art Gallery, which you can explore below:
Dynamic Gallery: https://aether.so/space/mbb
Feeling generous?
Art Donation Address: 3qqsihainBvaLKDET5FssVqGJW4WMj7TUB8cHCRJ7jiq
The entire gallery has been donated by community members, and is decentralized behind a multi-sig wallet consisting of 5 signers.